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In early 2011 we came across a problem that presented us with a wonderful idea! As a highly successful international toy wholesaler we give away thousands of toys a year in toy donations to charitable organizations in need. What we learned though was that their overall need for toys was so much greater than what we could handle ourselves. It was quickly obvious to us that these great organizations needed a way to help themselves get more toys. And from that notion ToyRaiser.com was born. By leveraging our amazing buying power and ability to distribute toys across the country we would empower those organizations with a potent online Toy Drive platform that would allow them to crowd-source toy donations from their community of fans and donors.

At ToyRaiser.com we make sure everybody wins in the end. Schedule a demo today and see what professional Toy Raising is all about.
Avi Iczkovits  » President  |  Chief ToyRaising Officer  |  The Office Nerf Dart Sniper
Avi loves toys and Avi loves kids. For those reasons alone ToyRaiser.com was a no-brainer! Along with building a hugely successful toy wholesale company from the ground-up over the last decade Avi also manages to be the top office marksman with his Nerf dart blaster. Working with your head down has become a dangerous practice at ToyRaising HQ! Don’t tell him but an office-wide coup is in the works... shhhhhh
Maryvonne Crozon  » Customer Service Manager  |  The Office General
Recipient of the “Happiest Person in the Office” 10 years running, Maryvonne is the detail-queen of the ToyRaiser.com team. If you need it done, Maryvonne is the one you want to speak to. She is a closet markswoman but will not engage with her Nerf dart blaster unless attacked. Also, as our resident Venezuelan she makes the meanest Ceviche around. Trust us...
Reuben Tober  » Product Buying Guru  |  Assistant Office Nerf Dart Sniper
Aside from knowing everything you need to know about a toy, Reuben can hit a fly on the wall from 20 feet with his Nerf dart gun (not that we endorse that kind of behavior – flies have feelings too). Technically he shoots better than Avi but we don’t tell Avi that.
Pinny Gniwisch
Pinny’s experience as founder of Ice.com as well as his knowledge of philanthropy via his own non-profit youth organization contribute vital insights into how to integrate best practices for user interactions with the ToyRaiser.com platform. Pinny is our resident academic and social-media guru lending us educational tidbits from his regular lecture series he presents at prestigious institutions across North America.
Woodrow Rosenbaum
As Executive Director of the GIV3 foundation and CEO of With-Intent event management Woodrow brings an expansive knowledge of human interaction strategies as related to dynamic experiential marketing. He also knows a thing or two about philanthropy which makes ToyRaiser.com a project of great interest. We should mention he is also perpetually the best-dressed member of our team.